Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My creed for my 81st birthday.

My Credo. July 2010

I want to love God with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength, and my neighbor as myself.

I choose to live in amazement of God’s grace, and benevolent love that I find everywhere and in all things –

-in my incredibly undeserved life
- in the amazing grace that has haunted, hounded, hunted and herded me all my life.
- in all my relationships.
- in the convoluted labyrinthine paths of my faith journey.

I choose to sing daily the Magnificat, Amazing grace, Morning has Broker and Paul’s hymn to Christ in Romans 8:35.ff., beginning with those majestic words: :Who can separate us from the love of Christ......
I choose to live in a state of humble gratitude, being reminded constantly of the undeserved blessings I find everywhere.

My mission is to be a bridge builder for others of my home disciplines: faith, wellness, psychology and story.

I believe that God’s creative love is the hidden unifying force of the universe and the more we find and focus on it, the more energy we give to love in the world.

I accept that a case can be made that the human race is headed toward disaster and even destruction within a hundred years, but that we do not have enough information to despair. I know that focusing on the negative makes us part of the problem rather than part of the solution. I choose the latter.

I believe in stretching myself daily, both physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially, risking myself in new ventures to evoke and empower new people possibilities.

We have two great stories of who we are and how we got here. That of Genesis, based on belief. That of evolution based on facts of science. I accept my task of creaming story that recognizes and embraces both stories.

Because I am blessed beyond all deserving and all recognition, my motto is Noblesse Oblige and Tikkun Olam. It is my duty to use my energies and talents to heat some part of the world.

Thanks for listening.


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