Sunday, September 20, 2009

Telling stories to 1000 children

Thousand Children

Never would I have imagined having so much fun at this time in my life. Not ever three years ago when I started Spellbinder storytelling to children in Fayette County. Could not have foreseen such energy, fun and passion.

Since August 1, I have told to over one thousand children. This includes neighboring Scott County, three trips to Cassidy Elementary, two trips to Brian Station Middle, children at the Shalom summer camp, an adult care center, my jail birds, non-violent addictive offenders functioning at the level of emotional children, in a special program in the Fayette Detention Center, and four classes at Yates Elementary.

My large total was greatly helped by tellings to an entire school assembly K-5 of 690 children , followed by storytelling to 100 second grades, so my audience in one day was 790.

Perhaps an ultimate compliment cam last week in a response to a request for my services from a new private school, when the Public Librarian referred to me as “Spellbinder extraordinaire,” Btu my best ever compliment came from my granddaughter, age 5, siting in the first row at Cassidy, who got up, walked up my side, tapped me n my shoulder and asked, “Poppy, can I stand beside you?” I could have died and gone to heaven at that moment.

The joy, enthusiasm, energy and fun has been surprising. In fact, I cannot think of a better way to go, than before an amused and enchanted group of children. Wow. Expect me to pass on while telling stories. Can you think of a better way?

I have two children’s stories looking for an illustrator, or publisher, and a book on Story: Power, Vision and Agent of cultural change, with twelve chapters already. I am expecting an invitation from a high school, an private school, one of my elementary schools, whose librarian is still trying to get her schedule together. I am hoping from an invitation from a local Speech and Hearing Center, and to return to Shriners Hospital this fall. Did I mention that a storytelling friend and I have hosted two fish fries and story swaps for Lexington Spellbinders to celebrate our 80th birthdays?

I could not have imagined having such fun, energy, enthusiasm and creativity for my own writing that Spellbinders has given me.

“Paschal the Rascal
“Spellbinder extraordinaire,”
Lexington, Ky
September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Breaking news: Paschal's storytelling.

I can hardly believe I am
breaking my own records this fall so far.
In the number of children told stories before the middle of September.

Namely, in neighboring Scott Co, at Southern Elementary sin a school wide assembly, I told to 690 k-5 kids, then again later different stores to 100 second graders.

In Fayette County, at Cassidy Elementary, one of my first and favorite places (because Cheryl Railey is so welcoming) I have told . 3 classes of 5th graders, 3 x 20

This week also, at Bryan Sta. Middle school today, 6th and 8th grade, 25 each.

Approximately, 900 kiddies reached already.

A few years ago, even a few months ago, I would never have dreamed of stroryteling to so many children with such ease and fun... Amazing Grace....

And I have two new stories I have created for young adults, teaching tales, the Mystery of your health heart, and a Fat Cat and 14 mice of the P family. and what happened to these 14 different personalities, (lesson in what is a wining attitude. )

I am having more fun than I ever imagined having at my ancient age. I am blessed beyond all deserving. Amazing Grace.