Monday, November 03, 2008

An exciting time

This is an exciting time for me to be an American.
It appears as if we are about the elect the first African-American person
to be the President of the United States of America.

In my jail program this morning I asked the 4 Blacks present (with four Whites)
to share with us what having Obama in this position meant to them.

Several things were interesting about their responses. The older ones who had lived through the Black White divisions in our society appreciated it more. The younger Blacks had not grown up with the same bias and prejudice. Obama was important but not as urgent a signal of change as it was to those born earlier and had directly experienced prejudice.

For me, it is enormously significant. Maybe tomorrow is the last battle of the long and tragic Civil War our country experience. I am a student of history, in particular of our Civil War, our Civil Rights national pilgrimage. I am very proud of my country today.

This moment is not just due to the changes in tolerance in our society. It is a tribute also to the vision and courage and leadership of this unusual man, Barack Obama. He believed we were ready for a change, and he risked everything betting on us, yes, even his life.

I am proud of him, and the many who saw his leadership potential, particularly for those who have crossed party lines to endorse him, Colin Powell, an Eisenhower, a Nixon, a Goldwater, and a Reagan. No matter what happens tomorrow, this is a transforming moment for our young country, the first int the world to be built upon human rights. If he succeeds in winning tomorrow the world is going to be excited about our country, once more.

November 3, 2008


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