Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is There an Anti-Aging "Silver Bullet"? Yes and No.

Is there an Anti-aging "Silver Bullet"?
Healthy Lifestyle as a Spiritual Challenge
Paschal Baute, Ed. D. .September, 2008

With cancer that metastized 15 years ago, with several health issues not treatable by medical science (not including mortality), and just completing my 79th birthday anniversary, I am acutely aware that I must manage my lifestyle, health habits and altitudes. Janette and I eat less red meat, more veggies and fruits.

Is there a super-food out there, some anti-aging silver bullet? What is a healthy balance of lifestyle, not just food, but exercise, etc. Are those products being promoted as needed for healthy aging simply scams? What are these ORAC units people say we need so much of per day.

Caution. If you have a food or practice that you believe is contributing or greatly contributing to your health and sense of well being, do not change anything. You belief itself may be 50% or more of the power this gives you. Placebo effect is a powerful adaptation with many benefits. Axiom. Do not knock someone’s story or belief. Belief itself, hope, is half of the power.

Health in aging is a welcome concern today. We are living longer. We are paying more attention to our diets and what is necessary for healthy living. Health and exercise clubs have multiplied. TV programs on exercise can be found on every channel early each day.

Questions to be considered: Is there a super food we all need? How does one measure a super-food? What is ORAC value? How measure the ORAC value of various foods?
What is MLM, multi level marketing? How assess it? What is the writer’s own practice as a 15 year survivor of metastized cancer at age 79 and counting with some physical conditions not treatable by medical science? That is, what is my “formula” for health and well being?

I have a friend who is convinced that a certain superfood has transformed both his own health and that of his wife. This product is available only through a MLM, a multi-level marketing program. I did some early research on the product, got a one month supply and almost bought in for a month’s supply. There was no significant effect for me, so I decided to do more research.

On of the selling points of this product and other “superfoods “being promoted today is its very high ORAC value, “Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity.” or what is more commonly known today as anti-oxidants. I am not a biologist, nor a health scientist,, but have been convinced that we need a good daily supply of antioxidants, available mainly through fruits and vegetables. I refer the reader here to the wikipedia article on this subject.

Diet right now is very important for me. Since I now have dry macular degeneration in both eyes, which can only be slowed, not stopped by proper diet. we have known that diet rich in antioxidants, lutein, etc and the best preventable aids, as they slow down the aging process. The recommended daily intake of antioxidants is 5,000 Orac values. It is generally agreed that the average intake is less than 2,000. So to slow the aging process the first thing to do is to eat more fruits, vegetable, grains and nuts. Which fortunately many have been doing in recent years.

Two of the products being promoted for high ORAC value online and through MLM are the Acai Berry and Dark Chocolate, both separately and together. There is research and testimony that both can increase the sense of well being. There are comparison tables that illustrate the high ORAC value of both. Other products are Noni juice, Pomegranate, Goju berry, Notice the exotic source of these superfoods.

But when you look closely at the actual research, you can find that One Red Delicious Apple your full day’ ORAC needs. I can accept that dark chocolate and many other foods also supply high ORAC value. What is missing in the comparison tables offered that promote certain foods is the range of other foods with high ORAC value, some superior to the product promoted. For example ground Cinnamon has ORAC value 29 tunes that of Dark Chocolate and 18 times that of Acai Berry. See the table at the end of this article.

What are we to make of all this? Well for one, a good balanced diet today, less red meat with more veggies and fruit will provide the needed ORAC value for health. Vitamin supplement, Omega 3 fish oil, Chrondroitih Glucosomine, Flax seed oil can also add proven nutritional value.

If I eat a small bowl of oatmeal, with a handful of blueberries, a handful of almonds, and a small handful of cranberries or raisins, I can be sure that I am getting my required daily ORAC value at breakfast, which is what I do. If I also eat sparingly of meat, generously of fish, including salmon. With plenty of vegetables and maybe an apple or a piece of fruit for a snack. I am getting all the ORACs my body needs. I do not believe there is any magic bullet in food, but am convinced that a good breakfast, balanced meals, and much exercise is sufficient for my well being.

MLM means that you use your network of friends to recruit others into purchasing and promoting your chosen super product. In order to promote your business, you end up hassling your friends about your favorite thing. The problem is only those in the upper part of the pyramid make much money. I do not want to recruit my friends for this purpose. I have and live a great mystery of life within me, a Pearl of Great Price, and that is what I value the most to share, primarily through friendship, service and various ministries. I do believe the Placebo effect works. If we believe strongly enough, chances are great that he “pill” will work. Belief as a placebo is an evolutionary adaptation. Hope gives you a leg up.

I suggest we have three anti-aging "silver bullets." On the physical level, the magic in slowing the aging process is regular exercise which stimulates the entire circulatory system. On the spiritual level, it is a deep personal faith with loving service. People with a strong belief system tend to live longer and healthier. They take better care of their bodies and are more resistant to disease. The third silver bullet in anti-aging is simply eating less, smaller portions. Pay attention to waist lines at the supermarket. Too many of us are eating ourselves into an early grave. Okinawa, where never eating to satiation is a cultural habit, has the largest and healthiest population of centenarians on earth. Here is the uncomfortable spiritual challenge for our fast food society: Eat less and experience life long wellness. Is there some super-food? No, but there are a few silver bullets.

Budget-wise for seniors living within their means. The super-foods being marketed today, especially via MLM, cost from $1.00 to $2.00 per ounce, and from $30 to $50 per month for the program. Cinnamon and dark chocolate can be found (discount, like Sams or Walmart) for 20 to 30 cents per oz.

What would be my own "magic formula" for health and wellness? 1. Living with a deep personal faith, full of loving service/;2. A daily exercise program and active life style. 3. Balance between the physical, emotional, social and spiritual; 4. Healthy diet described above; 5. Prayerful daily life, meditation; 6. Sharing daily with my still wondrous "bride:"” 7. Living daily with “miracles,” all around, Music. Story. Poety. Noblesse Oblige”and “Carpe Diem.” "How are you?" is the common greeting. My response: "I work up today. I’m blessed!" Every day the sun rises for me. “My soul magnifies the Lord.." (Luke 1: 46 ff) I am part of the greatest story in history.

Reference on ORAC food values:

Comparable ORAC Values
100 grams or about 4 oz
Blueberries 8700 Milk Chocolate 1700
Raspberries 5300 Almonds 130
Cranberry 5200 Prunes (half cup) 7291
Cherries 4700 Dark chocolate 13,000 (not verified
Walnuts 3400 one russet potato, baked 4649
1 Red Delicious Apple 5900 Acai Berry 17,000 (not verified)
Cereal, oats, dry, instant 2308 Baking chocolate,, unsweetened, squares, 48.760
Cereal, granola, 2294 Cinnamon, ground 267,536 (sic)
Prunes 3200 Source: Mostly from Wikipedia, ORAC values


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