Monday, September 25, 2006

The Pope and Islam

The recent controversy re the Pope and Islam, with the Pope having for the 4th time to say what he did not mean to say, is not only becoming absurd, but illustrates how out of touch he is with our times and the most urgent issues.

See the post by James Carroll on The Pope's Hierarchy of Truth: Faith, now posted on my Salty Dog Post, as of today, Monday, 9/25.

This Pope is a celibate cleric imprisoned by his Austrian, Euripean, Roman Catholic culture: bright ans scholarly, but small minded, and IMO, not Catholic in the best sense of the word. He is the best indicator that organized religion does not and cannot speak to Our Times.

Sadly, in a time when the world desperately needs religious leaders to summon us to the essence, the fundamentals of all Wisdom, that is Love, Courage, rejection of violence, he cannot bridge the enormous gaps between science and religion, technology and faith. He returns to Old Certainties, which are false and inapplicable for today. Carroll's article shows this well. He is a limited man, increasingly irrelevant for moral leadership in our world.

Better His Holiness, the Dai Lama, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, but trying to list a few only makes the void on the horison more visible.

Paschal Baute
September 125, 2006


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