Friday, June 02, 2006

Banning gay marriage is a political side-show simply designed to win votes.

Letters to the Editor, Editorial page, Herald-Leader.
Dear Editor:

RE: "Bush to Push..." Page A9, Herald-Leader, June 2, 2006

What can we expect of Republicans in this election year?

More of the same pandering to their far right base by means of a congressional amendment banning same sex marriage, taking marriage laws heretofore states rights away from the states.

A 10-8 vote along party lines sent the amendment to the Senate floor this past week.

The measure shamelessly endorsed by the Senate Judiciary committee bans not only marriage but the "legal incidents" of marriage, thus challenging protections of domestic partnerships and civil unions, now provided by many states and local governments.

There is little chance this measure can get congressional approval of 2/3 of the congress, but it provides delicious red meat for social conservatives, and plenty of fodder for TV commercials aimed at senators who vote to block the attempt at writing bigotry into the nation’s charter.

G.O.P. the party of moral values? Humbug. The G.O.P. has become the party of corporate fat cats who believe in the government dole, using political power to rip off vast numbers of the American people. Bush is clearly implicated in the Enron scandal and is getting off scot-free.

Republicans in the White House and in Congress will demonstrate once more they are willing to use religion to divide the country. Wake up, America! Civil rights of gays and lesbians are no threat to the stability of marriage. Divorce is the real threat, leaving one half or more of our children in single parent homes. Furthermore, we criminalize the social problem of non-payment of child support which becomes a revolving door for delinquent dads since they still owe back payment when they finally get out of jail and discover they are farther behind than before. What politician will examine this sad and tragic issue? Why could we not have something like a Drug court that keeps delinquent dads our of jail and employed while garnishing percentage of wages being earned with regular reporting?

Banning gay marriage is a side show distraction from real issues - simply designed to win votes. It is a huge waste of congressional energy, but the G.O.P. knows it worked to help re-elect Bush in 2004. Why not go for it again?

Paschal Baute.
Lexington, Ky.
Tel 293-5302


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