Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wonder, at mystery, all around us. . .

My Spiritual practices.

Mostly I meditate on Mystery that surrounds us, the mystery of goodness and hate, the mystery of myself, and that of my relationships, the mystery of nature and the outdoors
that always beckons, the mystery of my 33 year relationship with my wife, the mystery of our adult children, and of this new little grandson, whom we never dreamed would give us such joy in life. I am simply in awe of it that I have the giftedness to be part of so much.

And I wonder what does the Old One think and feel about us, about this, about this moment,
and me and what pleases the Old One. So I wonder also about compassion, and risk and vulnerability and human blindness. Mostly I just wonder, and sometimes I write, and sometimes there are just thoughts and sometimes some poetry emerges. And I wonder about others, and sometimes I walk, and gaze and sometimes I work outside, and read. But wonder and awe at mystery is always at my elbow.

And I find myself frequently pausing, and feeling YES, Now, here I am, and this awareness itself is sufficient for the moment. But it has also been hard not to return to the last moments of all those innocent perishing in this war so unpredictably, and what should be our response as people and as a nation. And I am also fearful of the future of a society that is so ready to endorse military action and that has been so blind to its own ugly side.
I feel we are at a turning point in history where it will become clear that all religions have failed, or rather where all peoples have failed to grasp the ultimate challenge in each Wisdom tradition, which is to welcome the stranger. So never have I had more to wonder about. Sometimes it is overwhelming, but it is a very lonely time for those who are thinking divergently about the choices ahead and to have connection on these lists with some other hearts, is a dear solace.

I think about how rare and precious each of us is, and how valuable is every human being, and am sad for the poor of the world. War always hurts the poor more than others. And I wonder also if I am doing enough in my own area. I stay away from TV mostly, and we seldom watch it at all here. Mostly J and I are readers, and we enjoy talking about many things, esp. the new grandson and his latest “tricks.” Wonder at mystery, everywhere, is my most frequent spiritual practice.


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