Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Life is something I have thrown myself into.
Not merely life, but work, faith, love, community,
rights of others, sport, social justice - all have been
and still are passions. Com-Passion.

Bonhoeffer said, as he embraced a costly faith to become
one of the few lights of Christianity during Nazi Germany,
Which witness as we know cost him his life,
"I would rather die living fully than die living carefully."

Long ago as a young man I put this saying on
my wall: "An ideal is not something to hang above
the mantel like some ornamental sword, but something
to become bloody and scarred in battle."

Looking back, I can hardly believe my life. It seems
almost mythical. In fact it is mythical, incredibly lucky,
blessed beyond all deserving.
I have been lucky in love, in life, in work,
in family, in faith, in many transitions.

Now I have had many roles:
athlete, coach, monk, priest, athletic director,
psychologist, Navy Chaplain, diverse military service, college administrator,
college faculty, husband, father, grandfather, friend, lover,
playmate, consultant applying psychology to the workplace,
and minister of the gospel to jail inmates.
In retrospect, 'tis really scarcely believable.

And I am still crazy about downhill skiing, with my wife as
my snow-bunny honey. "I am a walking contradiction,
partly truth and partly fiction." Many of my roles did
overlap and were not in sequence. Military service was mostly
reserve (but it was active and reserve, enlisted and commissioned
and with several commissions).

It is the journey that counts, not the arrival, the adventure of the
path-- not the destination.
My favorite question in mentoring the
journey is
"If you could ask God for one thing, a blessing that you
know God would wants to give, what would you ask for?"

My answer to that question now is that I could not ask for a single blessing.
I have already been blessed beyond all deserving. Maybe "let me
use well what time and energy is left, for God's purposes." Or
better still, "Let me love more fully, with more abandon."

My mission is empowering others by building bridges
between psychology, science and the Wisdom traditions.
Current consulting projects, education and curriculum
vitae are found via links here.

My central focus is The Spiritual Journey.
All my writing and ministry and consulting is related to that theme.


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