Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Journal, January 12, 2005 Hello God!

January 12
Well, here I am again, Lord, Force of Love in the world,
Relational Aliveness, Possibility of Each New Moment:

One more day, precious day, given this old donkey.
Yesterday, another wondrous serendipitous happening.

Last week in preparation for participating in a weekend
workshop for Ohio psychologists on Spirituality and Psychology,
I began several web logs to post and discuss what is a
healthy spirituality and notes on Sex and the Sacred,
two subjects I have been writing about for years.
I want potential participants to be intrigued by the
subjects and possibly be spurred to attend.

Now guess what?
Time magazine this week comes out with a special issue
on the Science of Happiness, covering the waterfront
of the portal. Excellent articles on Joy, effects of faith,
how we psychologists are beginning to change our mission
from understanding dysfunction and misery to the why
and how of happiness, zest for life, the power of faith and

Wow! Could I have even dreamed of such serendipity?

So I was able to post the references on my new web log on
Healthy Spirituality, besides having much food for musing
and wondering more about the incredible giftedness of
all there is. Why is there anything at all? Why do we have
such holes in our hearts, mightily desiring love, loving
and being loved? The last page of the Time issue is on Whence
Exuberance, or zest for life.

I feel most humbly and gratefully that this is a gift I
have been given. I live with wonder, zest, playfulness,
energy, new ideas spilling out like a tap that will not be
shut off. Dribbling, dribbling and then turn your back and
it is actually running wateri--the gasket will not hold.

Why should it not, if our hearts and minds are open to all the
hidden and diverse ways we are sustained? We are
haunted and hunted by this Mystery that surrounds us.

Praise God. "My soul magnifies the Lord. . . ." I sing that
favorite "magnificent" song from the gospels daily.

Coincidences, someone said,
are God’s way of remaining anonymous.


Any here can become members of any of these web logs,
post and receive directly the new posts there. Email me.

My initial dream of eWisdomU when I started that discussion
on the web some five years ago was FREE ACCESS
to spiritual / religious / pastoral / theological discussions
for anyone in the world. I am always impressed with the
diversity and depth of pastoral wisdom and experience o
married priests and spouses when I have attended FCM.

I crave making that wonderful rich pastoral wisdom
developed in the trenches and via marriage and family
more available to the entire world

Distance Learning for degrees and First world fees doesn’t cut it.
We have much Love and Experience
and some Wisdom to share
not just in our local ministries which
are many and diverse, but to the larger
world, the Mystical Body, the Communion
of Saints still here on earth.

We are, in fact, I suggest, in our marginalization,
and experience part of the Third World emerging theologies
speaking to deepen the meaning of faith and ministry.
I am sure that some of you will agree?

Now, just now, we have the technology to do just this,
free for us and free for others!

I could easily start an eWisdomU log just for
FCM posting? Ongoing reflections by FCM
members and other interested persons.
In fact, right now, I will see if I can reserve that
name for a blog.

Discussion, anyone?
My personal web log address is


Blogger Paschal Baute said...

Welcome from Paschal, early bird, chronic insomiac, light of predawn just aborning twirping of songbird, welcome.

January 12, 2005  

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